V kadar dijital izolasyon testi. Evaluate the trends, eliminate the doubt. Available as a stand-alone unit or complete test kit. Test voltages up to 5kV and resistance measurements up to 1TΩ.
This tester features a voltage breakdown detection that alerts the user that voltage is present and gives the voltage reading up to 600VAC or DC for increased user safety. It can be used for a wide range of tests: from simple spot checks to timed tests and breakdown tests. Как же я раньше без них обходился - Duration: 6:05. This feature is not available right now.
Browse our latest insulation-testers offers. Contains SVHC - Lead - CAS No. Insulation Resistance Testers. Use it for testing a wide range of high voltage equipment including switchgear, motors, generators, and cables.
High voltage insulation tester ideal for testing high voltage equipment including switchgear, motors, generators and cables. Optimum Energy Products Ltd. Check out our wide range of products. In fact, we offer repair and calibration service for many models from many manufacturers test equipment. Online Alışveriş Sitesi ElektroMarket.
Performance of both models has been exceptional. Popularity 0-1scale indicating how frequently people buy the product online. Save time and money by calibrating your new instrument before it leaves our warehouse, ensuring it arrives ready to be put into service. Which insulation resistance tester is right for you? Get the document delivered to your mailbox instantly.
Vibrasyon (Titreşim) Test Cihazı. TEKLİF İSTE ÜRÜNÜ İNCELE. Ayrıca 2TΩ kadar ölçebilirsiniz. Procedures in Package Click on the procedure names to find out details about the procedure files containing them.
Includes IPhard case instead of soft case, heavy duty alligator clips, and certificate of calibration. Digital insulation testing up to 10kV. Elektriksel Özellikler: Test cihazının doğruluğu, ° C ila ° C arasındaki çalışma sıcaklıklarında kalibrasyondan bir yıl sonra belirlenir. C ila ° C ve ° C ila ° C), ° C başına ± oranında ekleyin, ancak bantlar ° C başına ± ekleyin. When you look for an insulation resistance tester, you probably look for one that can test a wide range of high voltage equipment.
Use our expert guides to find the right tool for the job. An InterWorld Highway, LLC Company. This high voltage, digital insulation tester is ideal for testing a wide range of cables, high voltage equipment including switchgear, motors and generators. Easily share your publications and get them in front of Issuu’s. Limited Time Sale Easy Return.
Jack is a blogger from New Jersey who wants to travel the world making money on his blog. The first blog is how to download and use pdf files online for free. HiPot, or high potential, is a class of electronic test equipment used to verify electrical insulation.
Fluke Authorized Distributor. Add products to your Toolbox to save it for requesting a quote while you keep browsing for other products to complete your list. All the facts, right in the field. Customers also shopped for.
Takuuaika on kolme vuotta ja se alkaa toimituksesta tehtaalta. Izolasyon test cihazı gibi kontrol dişliler , motorlar, jeneratörler ve kablolar gibi yüksek gerilim sistemlerinin test edilmesini sağlar. Shop with confidence from experts in process measurement and control instrumentation.
JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Remote operation lets you spend as little time as possible in potentially hazardous zones. We offer a variety of calibration service levels including ANSI Z540. Dele, reparationer og service garanteres i dage. Permudah dengan berbelanja di website kami.
Záruční doba je tří roky a začíná datem expedice. Keeping your world up and running. Testne napetosti: 250V, 500V, 1kV, 5kV in 5kV Nastavitev napetosti v korakih po 50V v območju od 250V do 1kV Nastavitev napetosti v korakih po 100V. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users.

Share your thoughts with other customers. Learn more about Amazon Prime. Its full feature set offers the ability to easily and quickly perform advanced insulation resistance testing. Its handy size makes it easy to pack and use.
And its reasonable price makes it an excellent value.
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