These were used to measure resistance and voltage by using a Wheatstone bridge, and comparing the unknown quantity to a reference voltage or resistance. While useful in the lab, the devices were very slow and impractical in the field. Once, only professional electricians and devoted hobbyists could afford a good multimeter. Today, digital multimeters and analyzers are often inexpensive and easy to use.
The CAMO-Ccamouflage carrying case is a durable, zippered carrying case with padding and inside pocket, and high quality polyester exterior. Fluke CAMO-CCamouflage Carrying Case. What to look for in a multimeter and how to use a multimeter to measure voltage, current, resistance and continuity. Zobacz, jak używać miernika elektronicznego ( multimetru ) przy pomiarach elektrycznych i diagnostyce elektryki w samochodzie.
How to use an electric meter (multimeter)? Uni-Trend Technology (China) Co. Description: Portable digital multimeter UNI-T UT70B with advanced design. Photoelectric separation guarentees absolutely secure galvanic isolation of multimeter from PC. Acesta poate detecta defectiunile de calculator, cele ale sistemelor de cablare, precum si multe alte lucruri.
Exista mai multe caracteristici care ne-au atras la Amprobe AM-5si pentru care am decis sa il listam in topul celor mai bune multimetre digitale, dar vom incepe cu cea mai importanta, si anume, poate masura pana la 6V. Pe langa asta, unele dintre cele mai interesante caracteristici sunt capacitatea de. Azi am masurat cati amperi trage un bec de 12v 21w dintr-o sursa de 14.
About of these are multimeters, are other electrical equipment, and are testing equipment. Un multimetru nu va inregistra tensiunile de c. Na co se zaměřit při výběru multimetru Rozsah měření. Určuje, v jakém maximálním a minimálním rozsahu je multimetr schopen měřit.
Pokud budete měřit vyšší hodnoty proudu a jiných veličin, než je rozsah multimetru , můžete jej poškodit. Udává, jak přesně je schopen multimetr změřit danou hodnotu. Metrel is an international Group and an expert in the research, development and production of test and measure- ment equipment. Metrel brand name is worldwide recognized and associated with high quality test and measurement.
Ranges Use Two AA (V) and One 9V Battery (NOT included). Multitester Model YX-360TRN. The labels on a multimeter can seem like their own language to a layman, and even people with electrical experience may need a helping hand if they encounter an unfamiliar multimeter with an offbeat abbreviation.

Do you know Danish-English translations not listed in this dictionary? Please tell us by entering them here! Before you submit, please have a look at the guidelines. If you can provide multiple translations, please post one by one.
Rozlišení multimetru se často udává v počtech „digitů“ (číslic). Tento způsob se datuje do 70. The Non-Contact Voltage Detecation Feature. The new NCV (Non Contact Voltage Detection) is a great feature that let you know any voltage over 110V AC (RMS) without touch the wire.
Aparate de masura si control. Scule profesionale pentru reparatii auto. With test probe leads, wide range of application. Testere si diagnoza auto. Oldalainkon a partnereink által szolgáltatott információk és árak tájékoztató jellegűek, melyek esetlegesen tartalmazhatnak téves információkat.
Janitza electronics GmbH is a family enterprise in the second generation and is focusing on development and production of energy efficiency systems. As manufacturer of digital measurement equipment, universal-measurement devices, power factor controller, peak demand management systems etc. Professional technicians rely on these professional meters because of their high degree of accuracy and durability.
Find a wide selection of these meters to fit your application. Introduceti textul dupa care sa se efectueze cautarea. About of these are multimeters, are air conditioner parts.
Všechno zde nabízené zboží můžete rychle a jednoduše zakoupit. Pokud máte problémy s výběrem multimetru nebo osciloskopu podívejte se do sekce “často kladené dotazy“. Compara Adauga la Favorite. BK Precision provides an extensive selection of digital and analog multimeters, suitable for use in the fiel lab, and many other environments. Altfel poti distruge un multimetru scump,uitandu-l setat pe rezistente,si masurand tensiunea retelei de 220V.
What does hFE mean on a multimeter? Smarter income and expense tracking for rental property investors. The feedback you provide will help us show you more relevant content in the.
Analog-digital multimeters METRA 12S. Nastavení multimetru pro měření proudu. Protože je proud měřen v ampérech, je obvykle zkracovaný písmenem A. Zvolte si stejnosměrný či střídavý prou podle toho, k čemu slouží testovaný obvod.
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