Quickly and conveniently take accurate humidity and temperature readings with the 971. Percent Humidity Accuracy, -Degrees to 1Degrees F Temp. Kemer klipsli ve koruyucu kılıflı ergonomik tasarım. Through a few easy to use controls, the Meter displays three different temperature points of the air surrounding the meter’s sensor: ambient, wet bulb, and dew.
C, Thermoelement Typ K, Messung der rel. Luftfeuchtigkeit, Messwertspeicher, Mit dem FLUKE 9. Online Alışveriş Sitesi ElektroMarket. TME has over 7employees, who provide expert support at each stage of the ordering process. Lightweight rugged and easy to hold the 9is the perfect tool for monitoring problem areas.
Our offer includes 250electronic components from 9producers. Every day, we send 0shipments and we ensure that they arrive in the shortest time available. FREE Shipping on eligible orders. Register as new customer. Driven by the needs of the worldwide oil exploration and production market, Scotia provides THE hire service for test equipment.
Scotia has the largest fleet of commissioning test equipment in the UK and operate across most engineering disciplines. Some of the areas covered are pressure. Fluke 9temperature Humidity Meter. Quickly take accurate humidity and temperature readings in the air.
Temperature humidity meter. Csoft carrying case and As a standalone device, the LED. C (optimum) and precision of 0. It helps the user to take accurate temperature readings. The temperature accuracy is ± 0. The meter has a record storage capacity and a quick-response capacitance sensor with twist-open protective cover.

When dealing with indoor air quality, humidity and temperature are two important factors when it comes to comfort levels—that makes the 9is invaluable for facility maintenance and utility technicians. Menu Products By Category Products By Manufacturer Locations Company. Oilfield Instrumentation, medical equipment, surgical and EMS supplies for over ten years. Singapore Dollars Incoterms:FCA (Shipping Point) Duty, customs fees and GST collected at time of delivery. Simultaneously measure both the temperature and humidity of the air with this portable meter!
It is not endorse in any way, by the US Air Force, the Do or any other governmental agency. The fluke 9is invaluable for facitlity maintenance and utility technicians, HVAC-serive contractors and specialists who assess indoor air quality (IAQ). Lightweight, rugged and easy to hold the fluke 9is the perfect tools for monitoring problem areas. We work out the trending price by crunching the data on the product’s sale price over the last days. Conrad stores use cookies.
To find your product’s Serial Number, please refer to corresponding instructions below. LinkWare Stats option Enter SFTWARE. Mouser Electronics uses cookies and similar technologies to help deliver the best experience on our site. Our cookies are necessary for the operation of the website, monitoring site performance and to deliver relevant content.
Buy FLUKE 9- FLUKE - Humidity Meter, to Relative Humidity, 0. C, 1mm, mm, mm at Farnell element14. Sangat berguna untuk pemliharaan fasilitas dan utilitas teknisi, kontraktor layanan HVAC, dan spesialis yang menilai kualitas udara dalam ruangan (IAQ). Tektronix offers quality calibration services for over 140instruments including the FLUKE 971.
We offer a variety of calibration service levels including ANSI Z540. This productA is used as an integral part of energy management programs to identify opportunities to save energy and be green, and to confirm after the improvements have been implemente whether or not they are actually working and delivering expected. Ships from Brampton (Great Toronto Area), Ontario, Canada. HVAC-service contractors, and specialists who assess indoor air quality (IAQ). This temperature and humidity meter is accurate and easy to use.
We use this model at every site we have operations at and have not had any issues with any of them. TBY Elektrik web sitesinde, firmanın faaliyetlerine , ürün yelpazesine ve iletişim formuna ulaşabilirsiniz. Certification, troubleshooting, and installation tools for professionals who install and maintain critical network cable infrastructure. Search among more than 1. In fact, users around the world have said their 1is an investment in accuracy. Ukoliko ste zaboravili lozinku, upišite e-mail adresu i nova lozinka će Vam biti poslata.

Obavezno je da upišete e-mail adresu koju ste koristili prilikom registracije. Free shipping, product experts, smart site search. Use the thermometer only as specified in this manual.
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Lightweight and easy to hol it is the perfect tool for monitoring problem areas.
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