Easy-to-use earth ground tester for 2-point and 3-point ground resistance testing. Available as a stand-alone unit or complete testing kit. Cihaz, kutuplu Potansiyel Düşümü ve kutuplu topraklama direnci testleri dahil olmak üzere temel topraklama testi yöntemlerini içerir.
Bay Logo: Shop by category. Enter your search keyword. Sezgisel kullanıma ve büyük, net LCD ekrana sahiptir. It is the first line of defence for many electrical contractors, utility test engineers, and earth ground specialists.
Fluke Authorized Distributor. The Tester can also perform ac resistance testing. Earth Ground Tester Addendum to Users Manual Earth Ground Resistance Earth ground resistance consists of:.
Users Manual Addendum that soil with good conductivity (low resistance) in a steep voltage shape, and therefore a higher step voltage. This video is unavailable. Birinci sınıf aksesuarlar, test işlemini kolaylaştırır ve test süresini kısaltır. Its convenient size, rugged holster, and large, clear LCD display make it an ideal field earth ground tester, for most electrical grounding work environments. Warm Tips: Please fill out the below form and we will contact you as soon as possible.
About of these are resistance meters, are multimeters, and are testing equipment. View More Note: Product availability is real-time basis and adjusted continuously. The product will be reserved for you when you complete your order.
Test cihazı uzun bir süre kullanılmayacaksa veya saklanacaksa, pil sızmasından ötürü cihazın zarar görmesini önlemek için pili çıkartın ve test cihazından ayrı bir yerde saklayın. Principles, testing methods and applications DIAGNOSE intermittent electrical problems. AVOID unnecessary downtime. LEARN earth ground safety principles.
EARTH GROUNDING RESISTANCE. to view the cart and current prices. It has resistance measuring range from 0. Kit is the first line of defense in detecting reliable ground connections. Browse the Multimeters collections at Shakedeal.

Free shipping on bulk orders. Large, 35mm (inch) jaw opening. Fall-of-Potential as well as 2-pole ground resistance tests. The first line of defense in. An extremely easy-to-use ground resistance tester, ideal for checking ground connections safely and reliably To perform earth ground tests, the instrument uses basic methods such as the 3-pole fall-of-potential test and the 2-pole ground resistance test.
UK Stock, Tested with Full Warranty. How can we improve our Technical Specifications ? Siparişler (0) instrument. Source from Shenzhen Yearstar Intelligent Technology Co.

We offer a variety of calibration service levels including ANSI Z540. Scribd es red social de lectura y publicación más importante del mundo. Industry Standard DMMs for Electricians When Uptime Matters. Adventures for Kids is designed to entertain and educate children in just minutes a day. The new chemistry claims that not a little of the precious ore is cast upon the slag heap.
Kilovolt Test Voltage, Second Measuring Time, Clear LCD Display, 4. Micro Precision Calibration Inc. Review(s) Add Your Review. Browse our latest earth-ground-resistance-tester-kits offers. Requires optional 3-point accessory kit (see related products to right) for point testing.
Логнете се, ако желаете да видите кошницата и актуалните цени. Test lead (red and black 2m) Alligator Clips. Hard carrying case Recommended Options, Services and Accessories. We showcase a varied array at hard to beat prices. Purchases of out of stock items usually ship within 7-days.
However, this is subject to manufacturer availability. Trimite o cerere de oferta pentru a intra in legatura cu specialistul nostru in Testere pentru priza de pamant, Testere Electrosecuritate. It features a large, dual, backlit display, a hazardous voltage warning, and a rugged holster. Comtest (Pty) Limited (Comtest), provides test and measurement tools, communications, process control equipment, solutions and specialized systems, office and call centre furniture, from world leading manufacturers to the southern African market. Committed to service excellence, Comtest’s service promise is to offer smooth implementation of systems with high levels of maintenance and support.
Acest aparat ofera posibilitatea masurarii rezistentei prizei de pamant prin metoda caderii de potential cu poli,cu functie suplimentara de determinare a rezistivitatii solului cu poli. You have no items in your shopping cart. Check Stock, Availability, and view Datasheets at Newark elementCanada - an authorized FLUKE supplier.
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