A standard Mag Loop STL antenna is a 1-turn air-core inductor. The small loop antenna is known as a magnetic loop since it behaves electrically as a coil. It couples to the magnetic field of the radio wave in the region near the antenna , in contrast to monopole and dipole antennas which couple to the electric field of the wave. A magnetic loop antenna is electrically simple and looks like a two turn transformer with a tuning capacitor in the larger loop. The “primary” of this transformer is a small loop of wire, fed by standard Ohm coaxial cable (coax) that goes to your HF transceiver.
Magnetic loop receive antennas are a great weapon in the fight against natural and man-made noise. The PreciseLOOP is compared to a commercial portable dipole antenna. Covers deployment, tuning, SWR, Radiation and field test showing gain and signal to noise ratio (SNR).
W6LVP amplified receive-only magnetic loop antenna (boy is that mouthful): The W6LVP mag loop is a complete receive antenna system delivering top-of-the-line performance to amateur radio operators and SWLs. George N2SQ testing his home brew magnetic loop antenna. The coax is RG-solid Teflon dielectric using only the shield of the coax, the center conductor is not connect. It is easy to install and will increase the utility of your portable magnetic loop antenna.

Like getting on the air for the first time or taking your license exam there is a certain amount of uncertainty when you first approach magnetic loop antennas, there are a few new ideas to grasp. Magnetic Loop antennas are nothing new an in fact, have been around for many years. The antenna also displays directivity characteristics similar to that of a dipole when mounted vertically. If you look back on Chapter of this series, some of the loop schematics indicates that they are not fed by the feedline directly.
Instea the feed line is connected to a yet smaller loop called “coupling loop ”, which in turn generates. Small Transmitting Loop Antenna Calculator Small transmitting loop antennas, commonly called magnetic loops or mag loops, can give surprisingly good performance when they are carefully designed and constructed. A typical way to couple the transmit power to the loop antenna is through an un-tuned coupling loop. This is like an RF transformer, with the air as its dielectric.
A loop of wire (typically a coax cable) is tied to the feed line, and placed near the loop element. This STL antenna must be be easily (trans)portable. So, the loop diameter should not exceed about mtr (≈ ft). See the tables and plot below. Magnetic loop design software This is the handy tool that helped me decide what size loop to build in each case.
The image below shows the information on my loop above, at 14MHz with 50w RF. What is a magnetic loop antenna ? Magnetic because they take the magnetic component of a electromagnetic fiel in contrast to the normal standard antennas (e.g. Dipole, Yagi, Vertical- antenna ), which are in resonance only on the electric component. The second oldest and best sold four-turn magnetic loop antenna developed by OK2ER.
It is destined for a compromising operation at the lowest short-wave amateur bands 1. FRinsulator placed between the two capacitor blades. Because all dielectric are lossy. CAUTION: Due to the high voltages and strong radiation field this antenna may produce, take care to avoid close proximity to this antenna while transmitting significant power levels. I’d love to build a magnetic loop antenna. The bulk of the construction is easy to do.
Vacuum varicaps are hugely expensive and you have to be very careful. The main killer is the capacitors. A MLA is a convenient, lightweight antenna , which can be deployed quickly and is ideal for use in places where HOA restrictions make full size wire antennas impossible, or where there just is not enough room to erect a conventional antenna. Showing selected.

See all for magnetic loop antenna. Chameleon Antenna - CHA F- LOOP Plus 2. FREE Shipping on eligible orders. It’s a light magnetic loop antenna calculator that run on MS Windows, and allow to calculate capacitor values and voltage based on Loop circumference, conductor diameter, desired resonant frequency and the operating power.
Equivalent circuit of the loop antenna. The expressions for the field of an infinitesimal loop of electric components current of area. A Magnetic loop antenna for 1-watts can be made fairly inexpensive. Radio waves travel by a wave of electric and magnetic fields at degrees to each other.
Our regular antennas work by recieving the electric field portion of the radio wave. A small current is transduced on the antenna and the reciever amplifies it and converts it to audio. At the top of the antenna is a mounting plate which supports the three position band change switch and the three tuning capacitors. Each capacitor resonates the loop on one band.
EB3FFP Marc - Spain - Midi loop. JA3FPY and his Baby loop leaving for Tokyo. Well, its time to have a look at the first prototype.
Red and Green LED indicate the motor is turning and the direction. Below the loop is a rotator which whilst can rotate 3degrees only needs rotating degrees because of the directional properties of the loop.
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