A transfer switch is an electrical switch that switches a load between two sources. Some transfer switches are manual, in that an operator effects the transfer by throwing a switch , while others are automatic and trigger when they sense one of the sources has lost or gained power. Three Phase, STS-Series. Powered by two independent power sources, the rSTS rapidly switches from one source to the other automatically when the power supply used to power its connected load fails.
Bu cihazlarda enerji kaynağının kalitesi kullanıcı tarafından tarif edilir. We have an ongoing commitment to research and development of new and existing products. Forty years ago, Cyberex revolutionized power distribution with its invention of the static transfer switch.
Since then, Cyberex has installed more units than any other manufacturer. The static transfer switch (STS) is an electrical device that allows instantaneous transfer of power sources to the load. Permanent back-up for mission-critical, IT and telecommunications equipment within the internet server field. For maximum availability applications, Liebert STSstatic transfer switch provides an automatic, seamless transfer between your critical load and the outputs of two independent UPS systems in a dual-bus power configuration.
The PDI static transfer switch supplies critical loads with a choice between two available sources of electrical power. Protect unit from excessive moisture and install in an area free from flammable liquids, gases, or corrosive substances. The unit is designed to operate from solidly grounded AC power sources only. Provide input overcurrent protection in accordance with the unit ratings. Statik transfer sistemleri - STS.
Looking for product documents or software? View the new All Products menu. Info STS Phase in – Phase out. While choosing one, there is a kind of tradeoff between both these options, as each has its own pros and corns.
A wide variety of static transfer switch options are available to you, such as free samples. There are 2static transfer switch suppliers, mainly located in Asia. The top supplying countries are China (Mainland), Australia, and Taiwan, which supply , , and of static transfer switch respectively. STATYS anormal durumlar ve programlı bakım sırasında sistemin genel sürekliliğini artırır.
IT- SWITCH Güvenilir mimariler için kusursuz güç transferi 16. This superior switching time means that if one power source fails, the STS switches to the back-up power source so quickly that the load never recognizes the transfer made. It provides load transfer times that are comparable to that of a static transfer switch (STS), more energy. Automatic transfer switch controllers and remote annunciators.

The SOCOMEC static transfer systems ensure that the power supply is available in the event of a malfunction of your equipment. Bypass isolation contactor type automatic transfer switches. Find out more about our solutions. TwinSource manufactures rack-mount automatic transfer switches in both solid state (single phase and three phase) and electromechanical (single phase) versions. The solid state or static DCC-II transfer switch has been our flagship product for over years and is a two pole single phase device available in ratings of 3 4 and 50A (10KW) in all worldwide voltages and frequencies.
MASTER SWITCH is a static transfer switch commonly used within power continuity applications to improve resilience. The system can be used in conjunction with UPS or. ZTE Series - Mission, Process, Healthcare Critical. Surge Protective Devices.
Our product range has grown to include unique rack mount, wall mount and freestanding models. Switchgear - Paralleling. Using our standard product models as a base. As name suggest it is fully static device without any electromechanically parts. The LTI static transfer switch will provide virtually uninterruptible power to any critical load by automatically or manually selecting between one of two AC input sources.
If the preferred source deviates outside of preset limits, the unit will instantaneously transfer to the secondary source. Digital static transfer switch has provision to connect two power sources at input out of which is power source is default while other will be standby. To enable use of rack-mounted static transfer switches, they have to have a very resilient design with built-in redundancies not offered in the larger STS systems.
A properly designed rack-mount static transfer switch must have a reliability at least 20X that of larger systems due to the quantity of systems used. This predominant switching time implies that when one power origin comes up short the STS switches to the go down power source so rapidly that the load never perceives the exchange made. MSTS is a kind of switch of fast load transfer , its minimum transfer time is 3. This unit monitors two input sources continuously, out of which one source will normally feed the critical loads. Jump to navigation Jump to search. I wrote it after losing power for days and going through the process of evaluating and selecting a transfer switch to work with a generator.
If someone wants to remain ignorant they can just hire an electrician to buy and install one for them. Zero footprint, wall mounted to save. The transfer switch product presented in MGE portfolio is called “MGE Pulsar STS 16”.
As often happens with MGE marketing documentation there is a wanted misunderstanding on the name of the product that can easily mislead an unaware customer. All specifications are subject to change without prior notice. They perform instantaneous switching operations and thus supply immediate power to the load.
A static transfer switch can supply dual power to a router or other system that only accepts a single incoming power source. It can supply a commercial dual power supply or UPS dual power supply to a single power system. Compact 19’’ transfer switch for power redundancy A, Rack mounted.

How to Perform a UPS Transfer in a Critical Data Center - Duration: 3:07. Sarah Rocap 40views. Components: Fully rate disc-type SCR:.
Because there are no mechanical moving parts, the transfer can be completed rapidly, perhaps within a quarter-cycle of the power frequency.
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