The Rigol Technologies Clearance Center is the place to find great deals on Demo, Used and Refurbished products. Quantities are extremely limited so grab one of our award winning products now before they are gone! The EEV blog is a great source of inspiration.

As beginner enthusiast I want to learn how signal behave in my Arduino projects and needed something powerful but easy to use, at the reasonable price and the Rigol strikes the right balance. Bu yüksek performans, sadece gerçek zamanlı anlık sinyali yakalamak için değil, aynı zamanda tekrarlanan sinyal ayrıntıları gözlemlemek sağlamaktadır. The auto setting works surprisingly well and you won’t have any trouble as far as this goes.
This is an excellent amount of memory, but some problems may arise if you use multiple channels at the same time. LCD display (800×4pixel). All licenses are preinstalled! The particularly large TFT color displays are very easy to read.
Firma Rigol resmi Türkiye distribütörü. In any event, TEquipment shows it as discontinued. Big label scopes do but more, for less $$. Guaranty and Declaration. RIGOL 是业界领先从事测量仪器研发、生产和销售的高新技术企业.
Rigol ’s test gear has something of a history of being hacked. You will be able to peer into the workings of your circuits to better understand them. Provide Adequate Ventilation.
Inadequate ventilation may cause an increase of temperature in the instrument, which would cause damage to the instrument. The side-by-side comparison of the oscilloscopes’ specifications. The comparison table below makes it easier to choose the most fitting oscilloscope.
After leaving this page, you can reach your last comparison under Comparisons. Video Transcript Manufacturer. Digital Bench 4-CH USB Oscilloscope.
The digital scope offers incredible value for money and is regarded as the best entry level digital oscilloscope and has been the bestselling digital oscilloscope since its release. Add to Cart Request Quote. Notify me when price or stock changes.
Customers ultimately bought. Rigol digital oscilloscopes offer high levels of quality, performance and functionality at very competitive prices. Rigol -UK is the authorised UK distributor. Optiot on nykyään asennettu tehtaalla standardina tästä eteenpäin.
We work out the trending price by crunching the data on the product’s sale price over the last days. It is a DSO oscilloscope. The accessories have one year of warranty. Normal repair time is less than business days.
Weitere Software-Module für z. Decodierungs-Methoden (RS23 SPI, I2C) oder mehr Speichertiefe (Speicher bereits verbaut) sind zukaufbar und werden per Eingabe eines Softwarekeys dann am Gerät freigeschaltet. It offers unprecedented value in customer applications with its innovative technology, industry leading specifications, powerful trigger functions and broad analysis capabilities. UltraVision is the powerful combination of a deep memory, a high waveform capture rate, realtime waveform record and replay as well as a multi-level intensity grading display.
It’s expensive in Sweden if you buy it from a local retailer, but I ordered mine from Batronix in Germany and thanks to being part of the EU, there’s no customs and extra taxes added to the price. Cihazların seri numaralarından yazılım kodu üretilir. I also lust after a hobbyist spectrum analyzer. There are several modifications of Rigol equipment described on the Internet, including at least two software conversions to give spectrum analyzer functionality.
It comes with a versatile command line tool. Off course, you can also use it to control the scope with your own script by using the API this package has to offer. Let our customers tell you what they think of this unit. Huomaa ilmainen optiopakettikampanja! This design reduces the CPU burden in the oscilloscope to a minimum, resulting in a very fast waveform update rate.
Благодаря инновационной технологии UltraVision, большой глубине записи, наличию четырех. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. We have thousands of model numbers in stock. We calibrate, rent and repair test equipment. Super cena tylko na Rigol.
What I found was that the frequency measurement accuracy if the scope is horrible. Не такие уж маленькие деньги, но тут работает правило скупой платит дважды. That should be more than enough for that level of scope.
Limited Time Sale Easy Return. I thought it might be unstable so I.
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